  • Andrew's user icon
    take it eas.y thanks for talking
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
  • Andrew's user icon
    absolutely . I gotta get ready for the interview and dona few things so I'm kinda busy and my bird keeps biting me so it's hard to type
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    Look sometime is hard maybe we should talk later I’ll help you out tomorrow with that be good
  • Andrew's user icon
    my English is hard to get its broken and I use alot of slang . I'll be more careful when we speak I didn't realize sometimes I'm hard to understand I'm from NY and we come off as sounding rude when we don't mean to be . I'm a bit of an asshole anyway but you are clearly the better vocalist I've only been doin this for a year and a half I have nowhere the experience you do
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    Look up a video on YouTube then you will learn how to sing
  • Andrew's user icon
    no I was trying to get to the point that I was trying to tell you how to sing the whole time and you should have been teaching me because you are way better than I am and probably will ever be that's why I was laughing cuz I was trying to tell you and this whole time you make me look like Amateur hour at like kindergarten class like I'm not I don't even compare to you you're really good
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
  • Andrew's user icon
    lmao laughing . my .ass .off . I'm laughing at myself
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    It’s OK just don’t be mean OK
  • Andrew's user icon
    u mis understand I
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    Excuse me I am not a lmao
  • Andrew's user icon
    my son is 16 damn I'm blown away i can't apologize enough I'm thought these were recent but 18 that's ?crazy I'm 36 and I just do this for stress relief if you're in Nevada look me.up . I maybe I'll be good enough to sing with you . I'm can't believe it not that you're this good but that I was trying to tell you and you should've been teaching me.lmao
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    I am 18 years old and I graduate school
  • Andrew's user icon
    I'm really humbled you're young you're only gonna get better how long ago did you do these on here . if you my biggest down fall I cannot sing with out someone singing to keep me somewhat on key . dude ok there's 2 songs I want you t hear that I did one of is part of your world and the other is hopelessly devoted to you . damn you ought to be teaching me kiddo . you're prollmy sons age . if you don't mind me asking how old are ya and ill give ya my phone we can text if ya want when there's time but that came way outta left field I was h ought you were brand new . I got a million questions but anyway 17752779524if ya wanna bs or school my old amateur self I must concede to the better man and today you are well played
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    It’s OK I’m not mad
  • Andrew's user icon
    omg you sound so much different you have an amazing voice . I thought you were so much younger forgive me you are better than me . was way too bold You're grown up it are it ? you have a high tenor or soprano?
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    What is it you want me on YouTube
  • Andrew's user icon
    maybe you canteach me something
  • Johnny Orlando's user icon
    Johnny Orlando
    It’s Johnny Orlando