  • Andrew's user icon
    this is what I went off of thought youd wanna hear the original
  • Andrew's user icon
    Listen to Goin by ear(final_cut) by bfoul on #SoundCloud this is one but it's a dude that technically made it before me so dude was drumming and hummin on his porch rapping at the same ti.e and I did the beat by ear and it came out good ill send the link to that as well but this is a stand alone beater another profile that you may need permission for
  • Andrew's user icon
    I got old beats I made bout 10 years ago i never used em they're original use em sample em it don't matter the beats I heard you use have some of the same influences I did I can hear it. I don't want nothing for em just gimme credit if you use em ill. send you the link if I can find find em .
  • MzDimplez505's user icon
    well if Yu Evr need me for a hook or a verse Yu Kno I got Yu on lock 🔐 ((; yeaa still til this day tho I Cld never jus sing or flow in all my jams if Yu hear I do kinda lyk a sfling type shyt haha that's flow and sing at the same time guess tht jus my steeez ha ...glad I cld inspire Yu my g did Yu dig how I redid tht better than a fling fukn ey if only we CLD do whole songs on here to record tht be a hit ha! 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼😎🎶💯
  • MzDimplez505's user icon
    well thx for real tht always gets me all excited Yu Kno the feedback ((; cuz practice makes perfect I'll tell Yu tht much I useto jus do my poetry lyk all my homies wld say tht every other poem had its own lyk unique way of how I said em to make em rhyme I guess so thts how I started this music shyt bt music has always been in my vains since I was lil I useto sing selena songs all the time nd wanna be like her hahaha so guess we become wht we rly truely wanna become in all reality Yu Kno wht I mean I mean I ain't no selena but jus the inspiration she gave me nd now look at me inspiring others I jus love it ey but on the serio lyk yur really good I hear yur shyt n impressed ..we deff sound good together as well ((;
  • MzDimplez505's user icon
    thank Yu nd I think I sound lyk a lil girl haha