  • 七音(なお)'s user icon
    > めえ


  • めえ's user icon
    なんとー!また素敵な英語歌詞✨✨もう完全にスタンダード化していますね✨✨ 七音さんのリズムを感じる歌声がまた本当に素敵🎶ウキウキしちゃいます🥰
  • Jeffrey Goh's user icon
    Jeffrey Goh
    > 七音(なお)

    Thank you 🙏🙏🙏😊

  • 七音(なお)'s user icon
    > 桜もち🌸

    英語詞素晴らしいですよね~😍よりjazzっぽくなりますよね✨自分では無理だったのでホントありがたいです✨ 英語詞や日本語詞でsunnyさんがご自身のライブで歌ってくださるのを想像するだけでもワクワクしちゃいました✨

  • 七音(なお)'s user icon
    > Jeffrey Goh

    I added your 2nd translation to my post♪ Thank you for everything\(^^)/✨

  • 桜もち🌸's user icon
    え?え? すごーーーーーーい«٩(*´ ꒳ `*)۶» 英語バージョンだ❤️❤️❤️ Gohさん素晴らしいですね✨✨✨ どんどん新たな方との出会い色々な形のコラボが溢れてくる🎶🎶素敵💕💕💕😊🌸
  • Jeffrey Goh's user icon
    Jeffrey Goh
    > 七音(なお)

    Hi again 七音さん! I have consolidated 2nd version. It is a season to be at ease Express yourself and be relieved Following the swing of rhythm coming from the pounding of your childish heart Shubido~ubido~ubadaba walking down the street Season temptation, you need to beware Rushing ahead, you’ve got to take care. Following the swing of rhythm coming from the pounding of your childish heart Shubido~ubido~ubadaba walking down the street Let your compass take you, where ever it may suit you Take a break whenever you are tired Sing to your favourite music, tap to the catchy rhythm Keep your chin up do your belt up say you'll never stop Nothing will last and so the rain won’t too! When it is through, let the sunshine on you Following the swing of rhythm coming from the pounding of your childish heart Shubido~ubido~ubadaba walking down the Shubido~ubido~ubadaba walking down the Shubido~ubido~ubadaba walking down the street Maybe can post for a longer song (version 1 + version 2) 🙏😊

  • Jeffrey Goh's user icon
    Jeffrey Goh
    > 七音(なお)

    さんThank you !🙏😊 I will try in the future. I am looking forward to listening to collaboration between you and Sunny San👍👍👍😊

  • 七音(なお)'s user icon
    > usada

    聴いてくださりありがとうございます\(^^)/✨言葉の当てはめ方、これで大丈夫かなぁ~、と迷いながら歌ったので、そう言っていただけて嬉しいです(^-^)/✨ もしsunnyさんにコラボしていただけたらホント楽しみですね🎵

  • 七音(なお)'s user icon
    > Sunny☆

    もはやSunnyさん祭✨は海を越えたのかも…💃🎶 嬉しくてまた歌ってしまったんですが、喜んでいただけて良かったです✨ Gohさんから、こちらの投稿のコメント欄に別の案をいただいてました🎵 よろしければsunnyさんが歌いやすいほうで…✨✨

  • usada's user icon
  • Sunny☆'s user icon
    英語の歌詞で歌いたいな🎵って思ってたら…❗ スゴイ🎵(≧▽≦)🎵 感動です✨😆🎵 ありがとうございます❤
  • 七音(なお)'s user icon
    > Marinohashi

    英語版嬉しいですよね~😍 ホント、スタンダードナンバーみたい✨✨ いろんな形でつながっていって素晴らしいですね~✨ marinohashiさんとGohさん、オリジナル曲を作れるお二人の、今後のコラボも楽しみです(^-^)/✨

  • 七音(なお)'s user icon
    > Jeffrey Goh

    Thank you other idea! I changed my post to your suggestion.😊 The reason why I made blank 2nd verse,expect someones collaboration♪ So if this key fit your key.Let's sing with me\(^^)/✨

  • Jeffrey Goh's user icon
    Jeffrey Goh
    > Marinohashi

    さん You are very welcomed! It is a very catchy music you have created and it sounds a happy tune, it is wonderful! I am happy to collaborate with you and 七音さん🙏😊

  • Jeffrey Goh's user icon
    Jeffrey Goh
    七音さん. I suggest we change the 2nd verse to become : Season, temptation, you need to beware Rushing ahead, you've got to take care. Following the swing of rhythm coming from the pounding of your childish heart Shubido~ubido~ubadaba walking down the street Maybe easier to sing and not clash with the piano melody. 😊
  • Marinohashi's user icon
    > Jeffrey Goh

    Wow! So soon! Very nice having you here involved to our song! Thank you for the nice rylics. It's amazing.

  • Marinohashi's user icon
  • Jeffrey Goh's user icon
    Jeffrey Goh
    The second verse might be a little awkward to sing. I will try to find better words.... 😅
  • Jeffrey Goh's user icon
    Jeffrey Goh
    That's fantastic job! You have fitted the words and melody very nicely! Your pronunciation is perfect too Thank you so much for singing the English version 🙏🙏🙏😊👏👏👏👏👏👏👏