  • BrotherManGill's user icon
    on the future I'm gonna work a lot more on Dynamics. like when to drop out or when to highlight a vocal. I can already hear in this times I should have dropped out for a count and times I should have let a note hang for half a count. I am gonna redo this later. I want to show you guys the value of live instruments. I want to bring back the live hip hop band a la the Goats the Roots even PE and Beastie boyz. a lot more rocked a live band as well. there is just something about a live band. it breathes. it has Dynamics. and folk tend to feel it a lot more since it is organic. click tracks are cool and all but there is a reason the industry is moving back to analog. because it sounds alive. I've spent a decade or more playing in touring punk and ska bands going up and down the east coast and occasionally out to Texas and California. made a lot of cash but didn't make any really memorable music so to say. so know I am trying to get that going. really don't care about money just want to attach my name to some good music.
  • BrotherManGill's user icon
    collabing with my 2 favorite folk to collab with in one song is a blessing. #G!oMero #JayRoyalty. we gotta do this more.