  • shinsui 淡々とゆっくりenjoy☺️'s user icon
    > Lucy

    さん 字幕を文字にしました。 彼女が歌う歌詞と違うので修正していただけませんか。 急ぎませんよ! 米津玄師『海の幽霊』by Anonymouz no one's innocent tearoom oh open and open and just lofty just one chair left in time sea breeze and green through deeper and deeper as you leave i'll just leave it open so you don't get lost don't be scared and knock on this door probably i won't know a side i've got lots of things i wanna say on a beautiful starry night you just came into my life i wull never and ever forget it all everything on that summer night i can't it put into words i will treasure it all in the name of us out of the blve it shone in my eyes the spirit of the sea 間奏 on a beautiful starry night you just came into my life i wull never and ever forget it all everything on that summer night i can't it put into words i will treasure it all in the name of us out of the blve it shone in my eyes the spirit of the sea let's meet up again on the shore of a beach

  • shinsui 淡々とゆっくりenjoy☺️'s user icon
    > Lucy

    さん 上手だなあ~ 印象深いです!

  • Lucy's user icon
    > you🍥

    さん 聴いてくれてありがとうございます🥺🥺✨✨

  • you🍥's user icon
    わぁ〜英語カッコ良きですっ🥰 素敵な歌をありがとうございます!☺️✨