  • Starman85 's user icon
    They just have the potential to change your life, I mean that not in fan way but a musical learning inspiration way. And your intro riff reminded me of their song "Laredo". You're probably thinking to yourself "this guy talks to Much and I bet he actually thinks I'm going to check out this band..." I'm not assuming but if u were anywhere near that just think. We know how much music can affect our lives forever. So I just might have given you the best gift you'll ever receive... OK now I sound crazy and a little bias lol. Music my life I've been playing since I was 3 multiple instruments, I had my heart actually replaced with a kick Anyway. Check them out dude if you don't hate you
  • Kuks's user icon
    > Starman85

    ill check em out :)

  • Starman85 's user icon
    strumming pattern you chose*
  • Starman85 's user icon
    I don't know if you're a fan of band of horses , There my number one favorite band of all time and I'm aware that the original song is not that strumming pattern and what not but if you're a A fan of that style of your top lane I think you would just adore most of their catalog. Personally in my opinion I think through the last good rock and roll band around. anyway gott go play, later!!!! by the way you won't find Jack for band of horses on this app. alrighty peace
  • Kuks's user icon
    > Starman85

    ye definitely a lot of asian people on here m8, guesss the app is just more popular in japan and india and all

  • Starman85 's user icon
    And I don't mean to talk your ear off In the comments but I will say you're definitely not mimicking somebody else's vocals which a lot of people do unknowingly or subconsciously. I know i do. That's a big plus imo.
  • Starman85 's user icon
    I don't know if this is the right platform to have a conversation but I'm just genuinely intrested and one's ever answered when I asked it.
  • Starman85 's user icon
    This is a complete non prejudice or races comment by the way but what is with all the Asian descent on this specific app or is it just the specific bands I search lol
  • Starman85 's user icon
    It's weird in today's world. You know someone else can read that same thing and get offended. Just lose their mind over it when it's clearly not meant as a troll. If you didnt have talent or potential I wouldn't have said anything. But not and ask yourself what does my opinion matter…? Not a God dam thing!!! lol MUSIC FOREVER!!!!
  • Kuks's user icon
    > Starman85

    i get notifications ;)

  • Starman85 's user icon
  • Kuks's user icon
    > Starman85

    oh I read it alright haha. thanks for the feedback man, preciate it

  • Starman85 's user icon
    construction criticism if I may. it's a little robotic..slow er down a bit and give your vocals a chance to compliment the guitar and let it breath a min. also there was a absense of feeling in what you were singing. Imo It doesn't matter what you are singing as long as there is true emotion behind it. Otherwise what's the point? But believe me I get it and not everyone can find their voice is easily is their instrument. But you have a lot of potential. You'll probly never read this but take care