  • Necopan's user icon
    how u been? ah its a good song ☺😃💡✨im looking forward to hear u sing it ☺😃💡✨ i finally recovered from the teeth surgery and ready to sing ☺😃💡✨ btw do u happen to know an HBO show called sillicon valley? since not many ppl here watch so i thought id ask its a hilalious show and heard its popular in the US ☺😃💡✨
  • Necopan's user icon
    hi friend ☺✨been a bit busy and also got my wisdom tooth taken out with a few stiches so cant sing much for now😢⤵⤵ how r things with u?☺ say hi to ur cat ☺😃💡✨
  • Necopan's user icon
    > あーばー🆎🎧‪𓂃𓃰

    あーばさんフォロバとコメントありがとうございます☺😃💡✨ 嬉しい( 〃▽〃)gilleさんって人のカバー曲なんですけど原曲すごいキレッキレで素敵なんです❤😍💓✨

  • あーばー🆎🎧‪𓂃𓃰's user icon
    かっこいい(´°д°`) すっご🎵 今更ですが フォロー失礼します🎵( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )