  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    > (₯asf)Cast愁い-Beats

    Yes Obi and I get deep. I love near death experience s when they are like that☝️. Should become a song ....hmmmm

  • (₯asf)Cast愁い-Beats 's user icon
    holy shyt. deep covo guys! lol wats up everyone
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    > obi won

    I got the hair standing tingles haha thank you so very much

  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    > ⚔️🛡️ the goat

    much love and respect family we have to keep on moving I know what I just typed almost sound like a Bible verse but that was the only way I could describe it there was no sun the light was coming from a source and the source was the son of man I know because he let me know speaking to my heart and I could hear with my entire body and I wasn't in my body that I walk around on Earth I was shining like those aliens in that movie Cocoon you know what the old people. yeah it was pretty far out this happened back in the year 2000 and I still remember it like it was yesterday. hang in there we're all going to get together someday and that's for sure.

  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    > ⚔️🛡️ the goat

    yes we really do live because I've died once got lifted up on what I can only describe as invisible elevator I went through the roof went through a ceiling I went through the sky as soon as I hit the stratosphere all of this space just passed by quick like opening the shower curtain and the next thing I knew I was standing on a surface that looked cloudy and it was the Dust from God I looked around and I saw the Golden City and I saw a man standing by the gate in the Pearly gate is real I was looking around in my eyes going to zoom in and out with perfect Focus then I look to my left and all of a sudden there was a mountain there that I didn't notice before and everywhere was a amber color radiant light and in the middle of the city there was bright light with so bright I could only see like the outlining shapes of the different buildings but this mountain had a waterfall and it was pouring down into what look like a perfect lake or pond and the water was flowing and it was hitting the body of water but it wasn't splashing it was smooth like honey and then I Heard a Voice very big voice tell me that I have a job for you to do and before I could answer or ask a question you said complete your mission and then the next thing I knew I was falling through the Dust like clouds now it's back on Earth this was the time the cops beat me so bad I stopped breathing and saw the bright light

  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    > obi won

    🤕world Different stories you and I but the results are ☠️ Hang in there my friend.

  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    Let's just hope we really live when our date has expired here. Beautiful life.....💌Pammy getting deep with her views....🙏 lol good morning by the way
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    I can not believe the history of my race. I would have been an out cast and hated by my own color. I would have had the Jews in my home... yes I am German. I would have ran off with the Indian man wow Columbus was doing his shity thing. I would have been marching along with your ancestry. freedom freedom freedom. different times and eras, I don't think I would have lived to be this age.
  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    > ⚔️🛡️ the goat


  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    > ⚔️🛡️ the goat

    then the crazy son of a bitch trying to reach for a gun and he dropped it between us eating the door and I had my shit and I moved quicker I showed him or Mercy and I told him you just looking for an excuse to try to kill me but it's not happening today and I told him to leave me the fuck alone and I told him to leave all the little children alone that walked by here he may have thought that he was riding up on some little teenager but then when he got to me he realized I'm grown man with a beard but still kept talking shit you know it was too extreme and situation escalated really quick he would have never driven up on the sidewalk and blocked me in if I wasn't a black man walking a black dog down the street but oh well fuck it this is the second time some crazy person has come to me in this town and I've had to back him up I usually pop one warning shot if it's night time but this shit was broad daylight and there were children playing up and down the street anyway it's crazy I want to move to Colorado smoke some trees every day

  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    > ⚔️🛡️ the goat

    yes they were white cops every time I got busted it always took some poking and prodding without a legal reason to detain me. this last time I got arrested for particles in my carpet they slapped for other charges on me and open container possession of a firearm they an excessive funds charge I have $605 that I just got out of the bank and they even booked me for a blinker. for the charges were dropped but they kept the stupid marijuana charge for literally Chrome's charge me with a CD s instead of possession which possession would have been a misdemeanor but CDs is a felony and a felony pretty much fucks your life up for at least 10 years it's hard to get an apartment anywhere it's hard to find a place to live it's hard to get a decent job. I'm on probation right now and I'm dealing with it. this last time this short blonde bull Dyke kept going through my car after everybody left and went straight for my wallet when they took me out of the car took my money out didn't ask me for my license or registration it's funny how that question was never asked since they claim to be pulling me over for a blinker, which was the same lame excuse that they used the day before and literally the same cops were there that day that were there the day before on Columbus Day. and I seen the short blonde cop before I got pulled over by a supervisor he couldn't find anything wrong with me so it took me out my car walk me to the back of his squad car away from the camera and pick me up in the air while I was handcuffed behind my back and slam me on my ribs on his trunk. then the blonde cop bull Dyke chick tore my car up found my cigarettes and unopened pack open them and broke every cigarette in there there's some hateful people over here. I ran into a clan member today simply walking my dog on the sidewalk and he happened to step in the grass and I'm talking about just a little bit this old man got in his truck burned rubber around the corner drove up on the sidewalk.

  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    > obi won

    love and respect..pammy

  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    isn't that ridiculous? do you know that pot prevents cancer? it's the Pharmaceutical companies not liking the idea. who is always busting you? Is it the white cops? Just asking.....I remember as a child ...Folks just standing or walking driving getting busted for ...well I didn't know...I was just a five year old watcher ......I mostly lived in dominantly black neighborhoods. I have a deep respect for you.... heck they'd just take our pot away.. and let us go.
  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    it's going on the ballot in June proposition 788 it's looking like it's going to pass for medical so I'll be getting my cannabis card. I would be smoking now if I wasn't on probation.
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    > obi won

    pot was my anxiety medicine in California. now in SC I do not know where to get it. so I have to take shitty meds that have not so good side effects. grrrrr Is it legal where u live?

  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    Above ⬆️
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    above ,,,is for you
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    🤣 I have a Pammy and Pammy 2.….Pammy 2 is the beginning of getting better. I know you have a story......I get hints from it here and there. I would love to know about your process. pammy2 saved my ass. Pammy ( not two) nana helped me put my energy else where. I could never finish a and running. But as sick as I was, I had a nana family 😉
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    OMG I would go crazy! Get them babies soon!