  • young_blaze2000's user icon
    Look y u hating on my name I really could rap and I could show u that for a fact bro u sound like cat in the hate with a mouse stuck up your ass jokeing around I might just make u laugh snap D u sound like a jack ass and everyone should know it for a fact 💯💯💯
  • Snap Drippa's user icon
    Snap Drippa
    they don't call me SNAP D. RIPPER for nothing
  • Snap Drippa's user icon
    Snap Drippa
    lil gas the lower case because you ain't graduated to G status..... stay in my lane/ kid/ you gone/ remember/ MY name
  • Snap Drippa's user icon
    Snap Drippa
    I'ma explain y maybe you should stay in your lane young man....!