  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    > ⚔️🛡️ the goat

    I love it let's do this I'm with you. I'll be looking we could do this🤗

  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    i always sing what ever comes out of my mind....freestyle lol your mind works much faster. ..and your better at it :)
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    I am going to start a beat play list..... check it OUT ...for I will be posting beats that one day (a beat we both like) we can create together. Id LIKE to be the chorus girl. your THE
  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    opps typo s
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    awwww....I am glad you you are ok. I have had four almost death experiences . 11 broken bones all together. I am always the target. I am put together by nuts bolts and screws/ rods... I like you. you are now I concider s good friend. your damn right will work on songs together!
  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    > ⚔️🛡️ the goat

    yeah that's real talk I have been thinking about that myself that's part of my plan that's why I will remain independent so they cannot butcher my style through a major distribution. I know time is precious because I almost died on the highway due to the police chasing somebody the wrong direction I spun out and hit a brick wall and ever since then I can't help but to give it my truth feelings when I press record I hate to see people wasting their time chasing their tail to mimic a water down concept of the major mainstream artists if you can call them that because all they're doing is what they're told they're trying to kill the art of expression, which is the truth of an individual. I'm glad there are people like you and a few other artists on this site that reach past and above the pollution hopefully when I get things settled out here my reach will be extended and we can collab on some full tracks perhaps even start a website for the conscious artist that still remain. I thank you for your Insight Pammy you boost my octane and help me keep my blade Sharp.

  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    > obi won

    :) so I have been listening to other rappers and I giggle some. I think of the Mary had a little lamb intro ...and your words. There are people that they are so gangster ( my new talk lol) and thing they are super great. ..yet they dont go any deeper. no STORY. meat. ..some, well need to sit at YOUR table :) I wanted to figure out a way to share these songs without hurting anyones feelings.

  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    this was like a dream come true to be able to do this track. I played this thing first thing when I woke up just to make sure I didn't dream this
  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    Thank you who can forget your brilliant voice, so much soul everyone's in love with you.
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    The lyrics....who can forget the lyrics? pammy 2 really thanks u.
  • ⚔️🛡️ the goat's user icon
    > obi won

    :) right on!

  • obi won's user icon
    obi won
    Thank you man Pammy 2 did the chorus she is sick with it.
  • M3taGAME (案土礼 · 丸手)'s user icon
    Yo sick bars, my dude.