  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    That sounds really cool!! 😆👌
  • Poorvisha Vasanth's user icon
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    > Poorvisha Vasanth

    Thank you! 😊

  • Poorvisha Vasanth's user icon
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Lolol true dat! 😅 you too! 😁👌🖖
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Okie dokie! Have a good night, & it was a pleasure to meet you too, & to have a nice little chat! 😁
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Yusss, no worries on the phone lol & I read somewhere that lemon, or any other citrus fruits, is much better on your voice than water!
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    I mean, I guess it is sometimes good to be like that, but sometimes it's just annoying af & I wanna stop! Lmao & I can't even just not listen to it & then post it because then when I decide to have a listen after it's published, I'll find a mistake & then I'll hate that I just put it out there without listening to it first 😭😂😭
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    sAmE!!! I literally had to do this song over like 11 times because of one little thing, like I cleared my throat I'm the middle or beginning or whatever, or I messed up one little note & then I think "I can't put this out there, people will hear this & think that I suck" 😂😭
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Yusss, exactly! You're awesome, dude!! 😆
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Honestly, I feel like I'm being overconfident & talking too much... 😂 ugh
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Very true! tbh, I've come along way!! If you asked me to record my voice & put it out on the internet, I'd habe a bloody panic attack 😂😂 I am a hell of a lot more confident in my singing, & not caring as much about what others think about it! I do need to work on my voice some more, it is always good to do so! But, I have a better range, both high & low, now than I ever did, just by singing out more & having confidence in myself. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you believe in yourself.....
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Ed Sheeran, that name sounds really familiar!
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Yusss, I want to be able to sing like him because that would be very amazing😍 but of course, I want to have my own style, but it'd still be nice lolol His voice is amazing! I wish I could sing some of the high notes he can reach! I absolutely love singing high notes 😍
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    I used to be able to hold my notes longer... I needsta practise lol when I take a big breath, you'll be able to hear it, it'll sound like I just ran a mile or something 😂👌
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Thank you, yeah I need to work on my breathing lol I don't know if you know who Matt Bellamy is, ( Lead singer of Muse ) But I was obsessed with the dude's singing & everything! & you can hear him breathe every time he sings 😂 I decided that I would do that too lmfao😂 aaaaand, now I can't stop😂😭
  • MuseIsTheAnswer's user icon
    Awwe thank you so much, that actually means a lot to me!!! 😊😊