  • Bigeazl's user icon
    true you right I get you
  • ChrisMerrellOff's user icon
    U can do 🔥
  • ChrisMerrellOff's user icon
    Where there's a will there's a way my friend. If something like music and hip hop or even just spoken verses is something that helps you then search for a way to feed the flame cuz if not it will burn out. I spent too much time wastin on the wrong things and life ain't easy man but if u got the fire in u, find that second job, or sell the nice j's u got in the closet but never wear to feed yo dream ya feel me. No sacrifice no victory fam 🙏🏼
  • Bigeazl's user icon
    lol I feel it I just don't have money r now
  • ChrisMerrellOff's user icon
    I was tryin to get studio time too I know the struggle. Try looking around for places you can make payments on equipment. I went to this place called Guitar Center and they let me make payments (97$ every month for two years) n I got a midi board, microphone, interface, and two studio programs. Do some research see what u can do! My room is my studio haha
  • Bigeazl's user icon
    i try man but thanks you and I really try to get in the studio but it hard
  • ChrisMerrellOff's user icon
    Be strong g 🙏🏼