  • Diana 's user icon
    > Chyy

    oh sounds great! We both sailing in the same boat.I wish you well too sis..By God's grace we gonna make it

  • Chyy's user icon
    > Diana

    You're welcom! :) Well, seems we have the same target then..I'm actually new too and I hope to be a blessing by God's grace. Wish you the same. 😊

  • Diana 's user icon
    > Chyy

    thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

  • Diana 's user icon
    > Chyy

    yes because we can't tell people God loves everyone if we don't show it ! So our lives have to examples to those people.We have to make room always for God to use and direct us.Lets impact generations for Jesus!let the world knows He is the king of the kings.I just started using this app yesterday so I'm going to sing for Jesus because maybe someone is gonna be lifted up

  • Chyy's user icon
    I almost forgot.. You have a wonderful voice :) Continue singing for Jesus.
  • Chyy's user icon
    God bless you my sister. You are so right.. too many times we think people are not listening and most of the time, it's true they don't. Other times, they hear and archive every word or just the ones that touched them. Again, surely the watch, they observe your every action, how you live your life and I pray your life draws generations to the Lord Jesus, as many as you're appointed, as you just sang. May you make a very positive lifetime impact.