  • manayo's user icon
    > LeNoN 蓮音

    さん Thank you( ´ ▽ ` )ノ, but I only speak a little English (−_−;)笑 I wanna do it better(T_T) I wish I could……… すみません、ツイッターは身内だけにしておりますのでnanaでお話しさせて下さいm(_ _)m I really appreciate your offer(ノ*´>ω<)ノ💖 (ノ*´>ω<)ノ💖 本当にごめんなさい m(_ _)mm(_ _)mm(_ _)m

  • LeNoN 蓮音's user icon
    LeNoN 蓮音
    > manayo

    Yes you do!!! I clicked 'Follow' immediately after hearing your voice!! いやいや たまに鼻声で気持ち悪いです、僕の声が(泣)。 I'm glad it did!! Your english is really good! ペラペラですね! ツイッターとか持っていらっしゃいますか? よかったら是非そっちから話しをしませんか? よろしくです!

  • manayo's user icon
    > LeNoN 蓮音

    さん Oh‼︎ Really!?\(//∇//)\✨ I'm glad to hear that( ´ ▽ ` )ノ💖 いやいやlenonelさんの方が素敵ボイスです笑 Your words made me happy🎶 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Please try to get along with each other😊

  • LeNoN 蓮音's user icon
    LeNoN 蓮音
    > manayo

    Thank you for following back!! (*´∀`*) Thank you for the nice comment!! これからも頑張ります!!! manayoさんの声はすごくきれいです!!! Same here, can't wait to hear your next recording!! (⌒▽⌒)

  • manayo's user icon
    Thank you for following(*´∀`*)ノ.+゚💖 It'a a very beautiful singing voice🎶 (ノ*´>ω<)ノ✨ これからよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m I'm looking forward to the next your post✨
  • LeNoN 蓮音's user icon
    LeNoN 蓮音
    > scarlet dagger

    Thank you for the kind comment! Will post more soon, hope you will like them! Cheers!

  • scarlet dagger's user icon
    scarlet dagger
    your voice is amazing