  • 💃knoce👣 's user icon
    > sylc92

    God bless you and ur New born🙌....keep singing to her😊✌

  • sylc92's user icon
  • 💃knoce👣 's user icon
    > sylc92

    😊😊😊😊👍ur welcum

  • sylc92's user icon
    > 💃knoce👣

    that is super nice of you to say! its very rare for anyone to actually comment. I appreciate your feedback :D also, I never knew how to reply to a specific person... so thanks again! you've been very helpful 👍

  • 💃knoce👣 's user icon
    > sylc92

    I luved ur singing...I feel that it is really beautiful 🎵🎤and i think u should sing more often😊 and thank you so much for ur encouriging complement😊much appreciated btw pls reply to my comment next time so I get notified u can do it by clicking the 3 dots on the right of the comment of the person u wanna reply to have a gud night🌓 😪

  • sylc92's user icon
    some reason I haven't seen any new posts! but good work on your songs👍
  • sylc92's user icon
    like your page lol :D
  • sylc92's user icon
    why thank you :) I'll check you out!
  • 💃knoce👣 's user icon
    nice 😊