  • Barbara 's user icon
  • Dana Renae's user icon
    Dana Renae
    > Barbara

    😊okay I'm glad we're on a good wave length, I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas💛

  • Barbara 's user icon
    No I don't feel like your hating on me! Thank you for you explanation. That makes a lot of sense! Yes you are still only 13 and your voice is developing! I think you have a great voice! Thank you for the warm wishes! And I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas! "Praise Be Jesus! Now and Forever! Amen!"
  • Dana Renae's user icon
    Dana Renae
    Hello! I saw your comment on my cover "silent night" and I wanted to tell you I am in vocal lessons. I have been for four years. But I am only 13 years old. I am not going to be able to sing EXACTLY (like for instance): Christina Aguilera, or Mira Carrey and I personally don't want to. I like the way I sing now and I will improve as I get older. Secondly, I SHOULD NOT sing in a higher register. I sing in a lower register because I have a lower voice when I speak, and it's what comes natural to me. I have a voice crack anytime I sing too high, NO VOICE LESSONS can help me, because believe me, THEY'VE tried. The reason it sounds like I can sing high, is because I do 1000 takes of a very high song. After 1000 tries I am somehow able to do ONE recording and have it sound okay. All of my older songs I was 12 and 11, I had a little bit higher voice because I was younger, but I have a deeper register now. I do not want to cause any negativity and I don't want you to feel like I'm hating on you. I know you were giving some feedback to try and help me, but I just wanted to explain everything to you. I sincerely hope you have a great rest of your day today. Okay, bye.