  • Prati's user icon
    Haha <3
  • arjtune's user icon
    Yeah it is Arjun. Well guessed ;)
  • Prati's user icon
    > arjtune

    Oh you're name is maybe Arjun so I asked :D

  • arjtune's user icon
    Aw thank you. My parents are yes. I was born and raised in Britain :)
  • Prati's user icon
    > arjtune

    You are truly amazing man <3 You're Indian?

  • arjtune's user icon
    Haha I wish that were so! Thank you very much for the positive comments! Means a tonne ;) <3
  • Prati's user icon
  • arjtune's user icon
    Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks a tonne for this talk. If you have a specific song in mind we can colab then I'd be more then happy to duo with you. Thanks again :) definitely is refreshing
  • black Swan's user icon
    black Swan
    i know right ... hello reflection XD. i too kinda focus on the uni it's kinda hard to find time for singing when people only see you as the family nerd lol . and they don't even take me seriously about my passion so i just keep it in the shadow . i too only started this summer in this app. about a month ago .and i made my self a promise that by next summer I'll learn howto play .taking the help i can get from you tube lol. anyways .thanks for listening and sharing this with me ^-^. it's kinda refreshing hahaha
  • arjtune's user icon
    My main focus is university at the moment. There's not much I can do with music whilst at university. It's getting harder for me at uni with exams and all coming up which is why I rarely get the time to sing. This summer's been a great opportunity though. Using this app and finding people like you to keep my spirit up and alive. It's crazy
  • arjtune's user icon
    What the! I'm also 19. I was given a beginner guitar for my birthday because I've always wanted one and I too was never given the chance to play it. I've played at home and looked on youtube for help but that's all. Everything else I've taught myself. I also use this app as a little get away. I don't sing in public but my friends and family know (well now they do when I just turned 19 in July) that I love to sing. I am pretty scared of being judged in public which is why i use apps to kind of remain anonymous. It feels like I'm talking to a mirror here. We share so much in common it's unreal...
  • black Swan's user icon
    black Swan
    it's such a delight to see that my words touched you and encourage you there is nothing more rewording. thank you so much . and let me give you a little secret. I'm 19 years old and my mother discovered only recently that i like to sing. i have a guitar but i never really had a chance to take classes and learn. just because as i said it wad a secret and my only focus was on school. do i regret it ? of course .. but it's never too late to learn what you love lol. none of my family members know my passion .only a few friends. and i never sing in public NEVER .still afraid to be judged ? maybe . so i consider this app as my little hideaway lol and it's truly amazing to share songs with you guys and know you have in your heart what i do . it would be a my pleasure to collaborate ^-^ just give me a sign when ever you feel like it . and thanks again :)
  • arjtune's user icon
    You never know how much of an impact you can make on someone's life simply by sending them a message like the one you sent to me just now. It makes me happy beyond words to know I have support from people that enjoy my music and vocals. You're right. It's not about fame. I share the same passion for music as you do. Singing to my family and close friends is what I enjoy the most. Of course I think about my music going on a global scale but that's not fame. I simply want people to recognise and remember me. I mean that's all there is to life right? Your words have put a huge smile on my face ;) There's no better feeling then sharing and connecting with another person the same passions and interest for similar activities such as this. And yes. I would like nothing more then to collaborate with you. Maybe even try making a song together. Who knows what the future may bring :) thanks for that message. You are truly amazing.. <3
  • black Swan's user icon
    black Swan
    hey there. i was reading your bio. and let me tell you that i know how it feels . i can totally relate to that. People nowadays have tendencies to bring people down and be mean. but just because there are better singer's doesn't mean you should stop or drop it out. music is not a contest of who is the best . It's just a way to communicate and share what you feel with a melody and practice a passion. i personally don't sing to become famous but just because it makes me happy and am glad when i see others appreciate what i do. It's not always about the fame. sometimes it's just about doing what you like and let yourself go . Finally. i can tell you that there are many singers that have credit they do not deserve. but you deserve it all my friend . amazing vocals ! it would be a pleasure to collab one day. hope te hear more from you soon *sight* .. well that was long XD
  • Samantha83299's user icon
    when I first heard u I thought u were ED sheeran
  • arjtune's user icon
    Thanks. Your voice is also spectacular! Nice to know someone that shares the same passion for music as I do 😊
  • 👑Queen👑's user icon
    I'm so in love with your voice. You're very talented 👌
  • Samantha83299's user icon
  • <3 ~Britt~ <3's user icon
    <3 ~Britt~ <3
    Your welcome! Keep posting songs I'll collab with you more!
  • arjtune's user icon
    It sounds beautiful. Thank you ;)