  • ゆき's user icon
    柊夏さん☆ありがとうございます! 洋楽好きなんです〜(≧∇≦)✨ 私まったく英語話せないんですが(笑)、頑張って感謝の気持ちを英語で伝えてました✨\(^o^)/
  • *柊夏*'s user icon
    ゆきさんすごい!!!なんでそんな英語のうた上手なんですかぁ~(੭ु´ ᐜ ` )੭ु⁾⁾ そしてコメント欄wwww何がいいたいのか雰囲気はわかりましたけど、英語でびっくりです
  • Mr. Makk's user icon
    Mr. Makk
    and you're welcome. and again great job!!
  • Mr. Makk's user icon
    Mr. Makk
    you did just I'll see what I can find.
  • ゆき's user icon
    Thank you very much for your comment(^-^)☆ I'd like to sing together more!\(^o^)/ I can't speak English, so if the meaning is strange, I'm sorry(>_<) It's pleasant to be able to sing together again!(≧∇≦)
  • Mr. Makk's user icon
    Mr. Makk
    you should also check out my latest dub.
  • Mr. Makk's user icon
    Mr. Makk
    I'm going to have to find another collab song for us again soon lol
  • Mr. Makk's user icon
    Mr. Makk
    you did an amazing job, my friend! {^_^}
  • Mr. Makk's user icon
    Mr. Makk
    wow....!!!! I love it! thanks for this!
  • でかを《うまを》's user icon