  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    sorry that i am an easily bored person and cause u r no longer entertaining so yeah bye! =)
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    *yawn* this is getting boring.. please dont try to attract my attention.. u can continue to talk here all by urself, i dont mind lending u my space :D Ps: get a life!
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    parasite? easy! SHITJI!
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    dont understand again???? woohooooooo!!!!
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    woohooo!! i think this is funny too! you made my dayyyy!! =))))
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    im glad that u know your shits r not funny!!! =))))
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    well me tooooo!!!! how about u stay here and let me continue to share my knowledge!!! i love to make people eh no, just to you Shitji, pissed off when u realise that u dont even understand half of the words i said!
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    well i can totally see that u r not! you r just that kind of dummy who is trying to act smart and trying too hard to act funny! mayb u r not confident enough in your voice, but dont lose hope! get some vocal coach! =)))
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    well why should i shut up? this is my space and you r intruding here! if u dont want to hear me, then... simple just GET LOST!
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    so babyyyyyy, learn more ok before u go and try to pull other people down alright?
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    Please dont call your shit a music! == it just proves how much of a baby u are till the extend that u dont know what is music! Even a baby will know music is mot about making weird noises and shouting like a psychotic!
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    because i am! =))))) i tot if u were a baby too, we can be friends though the IQ gap is abit wide but i dont mind! =))
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    so baby u need milk? =)
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    and u talk like a 1-year-old kid
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    Ha Ha Ha! funny that it comes from someone who dont even understand simple english!
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    your hallucinations is indeed severe dear
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    ohhhhh i seeeeeeeee btw did i ask? you hear me asking again?
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    oh my gawd! what school r u in that u r getting mostly A's?? well if calling an intelligent by nature person nerd makes u happy, then go ahead yeaa!! =)))
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    u need to study dear! u need proper education and i believe u can increase ur knowledge then! dont shout all day long and do nothing! =)
  • Smiley Girl's user icon
    Smiley Girl
    Did i ask why? why would i ask someone who is psychotic? did u hear me ask? you have severe hallucinations dear! i suspect u might be having schizophrenia.. go see doctor alright? i am sure there is treatments available for u out there! dont lose hope yaa!! 💪💪