  • itsmefa's user icon
    Wow !
  • aish's user icon
    hi adi.aish here.sorry I had to leave.. n thnks fr everythn.. u really r spcl. bt adi despite wt great thngs v had at sm point I hd to leave. m sorry I had to break I made.. n really sorry cx this is happenin durin ur exam.. u may hate me fr this. but this time m leavin fr eva.. I gt to mend smthngs.. bt m too addictd to u.. nt dat m blamin u fr anythn. but its importnt tht u knw I hv gone freva.. n thnks fr da mood ups n all..will really miss.. tvgc adi..good bye.. and plx dnt wait up fr me. u got great thngs goin in ur life..all u need is to be more open the way u were to me.n yes adi I love u..I really doo...♥ I hv my reasons which u knw v well.. wishh all da best fr every thn in ur life. n trust me u will turn out to be a great doc :).. u hv no idea hw much m gonna regret leaving I ll adjust wd da guilt n u shall do adjust too..just find sm cute indian girl and make me proud cx yes u r good at flirtin no mattr hw much u resist.. I will miss u a lots adi.. good bye :) n keep smilin frm both sides of ur face.
  • Aditya's user icon
    aishhhhhh...... :,(
  • Aditya's user icon
    why are you being sooooooo heart n emotionless babes whyyyyy
  • Aditya's user icon
    u happy now?! i dint eat sleep drink studied did just nothing
  • Aditya's user icon
    i cant even sleep! gn aish
  • Aditya's user icon
    know what!? i just cant just cant even spend a day wdout u now it feels like......its been so many yrs wdout smiling :,( please aish come back pleaseeee beg u!
  • Aditya's user icon
    hey aish! what do you think you are han?! :,( u make me cry when ever you feel like is this for u made me feel special u r my weakness and u only do this to me why!?
  • Aditya's user icon
    aishaaaa pleaseeeeee pleaseeeee reactivate your account pleaseeee
  • Aditya's user icon
    im getting nuttsssss
  • Aditya's user icon
    aishhhhhhh bss na aur nraz nyi hou mujhseeee pleaseeeee aish khaaaa ho tum
  • Aditya's user icon
    aiiiiishhhhhhhh kha hoooooooo tum meko bhaaaaut tnsn hori h ab please come back please aish dont just go away pleaseeeeee aish pleaseeeeeeee beg you yr?!
  • Aditya's user icon
    aisssssh pleaseeeee not again u said u are not leaving me alone at any anyyyy damn cost.......pleaseeeee sorrrry aish im soooooo distracted i cant even studyyyyy
  • Varun Pathak's user icon
    Varun Pathak
  • Aditya's user icon
    u made me cry......not bcuz of the truth but because of the thing u left me alone jase pehle tha ekdum akele yr m ill even clean my room tooooo! pleaseeeee :'(
  • Aditya's user icon
    oye! hello im annoyed by you why u just deleted your gmail account are you mad or what aur uss baat pe i dont care what you are smj aya i just had one friend and dont wnna loose her!
  • Aditya's user icon
    helllllllloooooo? miss assignment im feeling alone 😭😭😭😭😭
  • Aditya's user icon
    msg me😞
  • Aditya's user icon
    im there pr meko msg krna nhi ata uspr
  • shaa aishaa's user icon
    shaa aishaa
    get on g+