Lyrics Snake Eater Cynthia Harrell

Written by
Norihiko Hibino
Norihiko Hibino
What a thrill With darkness and silence through the night What a thrill I'm seaching and I'll melt into you What a fear in my heart But you're so supreme! I give my life Not for honor, but for you (Snake Eater) In my time there'll be no one else Crime, it's the way I fly to you (Snake Eater) I'm still in a dream of the snake eater Someday you go through the rain, Someday you feed on a tree frog, It's ordeal, the trial to survive For the day we see new light I give my life Not for honer, but for you (Snake Eater) In my time there'll be so one else Crime, it's the way I fly to you (Snake Eater) I'm still in a dream of the snake eater I'm still in a dream of the snake eater
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