Lyrics Wings HAWAIIAN6

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Flightless birds, what do they dream about? Someone makes fun of them? Not being ashamed that they cannot fly They sing a song with nice voice We all search for an ideal Crying for what we lack Laying the blame on somebody sometimes You hurt them before you knew it A shy bot Can't laugh Suffers wrong and is alone But, did you know that He could make a very good melody and Sing it loud? Everybody has soul shining bright If I had wings on my back, I would fly away But I have nothing So, only what I can do is to walk my own way With firm and stea - dy steps You don't have to do the right thing You can be as long as you want Don't be hur - ry At your own pace Find your own way and keep going If I had wings on my back, I would fly away But I have nothing So, only what I can do is to walk my own way With steady steps Sometimes you regret Sometimes you fall down But, that's alright When you feel someone's pain, You can be strong We all flightless birds But, we have (But, we have) invi-si - ble wings
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