Lyrics The only way BRAHMAN

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The only way not to lose, The only way not to lose, The only way not to lose, is to keep on losing The only way not to lose, The only way not to lose, The only way not to lose, is to keep on losing Eat the dirt and grovel for your goal Groveling in the dirt to move forward See for yourself, seek for no help of god Say in sanity, staying insane See for yourself, seek for no help of god Say in sanity, staying insane The only way not to get lost, The only way not to get lost, The only way not to get lost, is to keep on getting lost The only way not to get lost, The only way not to get lost, The only way not to get lost, (訳文) 失わない唯一の方法は失い続けること 泥を喰らい 這ってでも前へ 地を這いつくばってそこまで 己の眼で確かめ 神の助けをも請わず 狂気の中で正気を悟れ 自身を見つめ 他心を求めず 狂気のままで正気を叫べ 迷わない唯一の方法は迷い続けること
Me singing Me playing