Lyrics It's a humanroad ジャパハリネット

Written by
It's a human road Any awful an age have pride deal with a thing So as to Don't lose myself It's a human road Any awful an age for a human being how to life no shame Don't lose myself Is there human nature? Is there human road? 訳もなく人を傷つけ 他を頼みない感情赴くままに 尊い命をあやめる昨今の悲しい風潮 pity and foolish such a human race It's a human road Any awful an age have pride deal with a thing So as to Don't lose myself It's a human road Any awful an age for a human being how to life no shame Don't lose myself 無常迅速 世の流れ 目まぐるしく変わる常識 物が溢れ 欲望渦巻き 贅沢な文化が栄え 身勝手な行動があらゆるモノを傷つけ 身勝手な欲望があらゆるモノを壊す It's a human road Any awful an age have pride deal with a thing So as to Don't lose myself It's a human road Any awful an age for a human being how to life no shame Don't lose myself It's a human road Any awful an age have pride deal with a thing So as to Don't lose myself It's a human road Any awful an age for a human being how to life no shame Don't lose myself 凶悪犯罪起こり始めて 外界のサディズムに解かれ 困惑する子供の様に 打開策など何もない 解決策も何もない 驚き哀れみ何かするわけでもなく 知的動物頂点自負する 人類は知性の最も高度な働きの賜とされた その人類が大気汚して 海を濁らせ山を崩し 失ってその大切さに気がついてた It's a human road any awful An age have pride deal with a thing Don't forget!Don't lose myself For a human being It's a human road
Me singing Me playing