Lyrics You & Me Superfly

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僕たちはずっと希望と笑顔を絶やさず 今日も祈り続けよう この空の向こうに愛する人が待ってる 声を束ねていこう Sing a song for the place Let's sing a song for you & me Sing a song for the place Let's sing a song for you & me かじかんだ手も 震える心も 隣で抱きしめてあげたい この空を伝って 想いは届くと信じて 声を重ねていこう Sing a song for the place Let's sing a song for you & me Sing a song for the place Let's sing a song for you & me 風に乗せて 想いを届けて 愛の歌で心灯して Sing a song for the place Let's sing a song for you & me Sing a song for the place Let's sing a song with me
Popular musical parts of You & Me
Me singing Me playing