Lyrics アンチクローン RADWIMPS

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泣いた だって僕は好きだった 涙腺を揺らす言葉 鼓膜をつくその呂律が でもどれも違ったんだ わずか数億の語が 僕を映せるわけなかった そこにみせたい色はなかった 誰かが作ったこの体 言葉 ホントの俺どこにいるのかな 名前を呼んで探してみた いやあれももらいもんだったっけか?っけな だけど 言葉 心と君と僕と その全てが重なると 全ての言葉に僕だけの意味ってやつが生まれるの Never to become myself and I was just afraid of you follow me, just follow me tiny stars went through my head Never to become yourself and your were just afraid of me swallow me, just follow me I always wanted to become you ' HELLO!!' my friend's gotta boyfriend and she's... 'OH NO!!' she's going for another one lady ' YELL OUT!!' that's what I said to her but she goes now 'CHILL OUT!!' what does that monogamy means to you baby? Say that I'm the one who you were searching for Never say that you have spares of plenty of more Be the only one and soon the time will come This question of the clone'll be wasted Never to become myself and I was just afraid of you follow me, just follow me tiny stars went through my head Never to become yourself and your were just afraid of me swallow me, just follow me I always wanted to become you
Popular musical parts of アンチクローン
Me singing Me playing