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The Beatles followers/copiers/arrangers

Category Others
(日本語は後半に) There are many people who love listening to theBestles's songs in many generations, but the most crazy ones are those musicians who dedicate their enormous time and effort to reproduce complete copies of their numbers. They even copy mistakes on lyrics or performance. Let's exchange idea and opinion enjoy trivial persiuits on the Beatles!! Of course new fans who would like to know more about the Beatles are also welcomed, so don't hesitate!! ビートルズのファンは山ほどいますが、その中でも特にイカれてるのが、彼らの曲を完璧にコピーする事に膨大な時間と労力を割く演奏者たちでしょう。こういったフォロワー/コピヤーたちは、ミステイクや歌詞の間違いまでコピーする事に至福の喜びを感じるのです。ここではそんなマニアックな情報と意見を交換出来ればと思います。もちろん、ファンに成り立てでビートルズの事をもっと深く知りたい方も大歓迎です!
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