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Origin Lyrics / Distribution

Category Others
Mostar 21 Music Industries / TAMI / SEMI
created by Braxton Fenner1's user icon
  • Braxton Fenner's user icon
    Braxton Fenner
    January 4, 2020 about 11:11 pm (NYS, USA Time Zone) Ann Sarnoff for Warner Records in America and Beatrix Netherland for Hague Records in World say we give rights to Braxton Freddie Fenner as an Individual for Mostar System to record all music created, maintained, and held in our control for perpetual time without ending in eternity effective now.
  • Braxton Fenner2's user icon
  • Braxton Fenner2's user icon
  • Braxton Fenner1's user icon
    Braxton Fenner for Origin Lyrics says Welcome. 1. New Song Words 2. New Lyrics 3. New Songs 4. Origin Lyrics Music Industry 5. Origin Lyrics Song Distribution.
  • Braxton Fenner1's user icon
    January 1st, 2020 at Midnight Time Paused (NYS, USA Time Zone)